Alicia Leigh Photography | Austin, TX Brand Photographer

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Should you use AI to DIY your Brand Photos?

Let’s talk about when to DIY your brand photos and when to hire a professional photographer.

As you know by now, good brand images aren’t just key  – they’re essential.  

And in the online space we live in now, your brand relies – more than ever – on eye-catching, stand-out-from-the-crowd, scroll-stopping photos.

I mean, eye-tracking experts even report that we pay closer attention to any information when it accompanies such an image. 

But you’re wondering, “Is booking a full-fledged brand shoot with a professional photographer actually necessary? Can’t I just do it myself?”

I get it. In today's digital age – where everyone has a camera and access to powerful A.I. apps in their pocket – it can be tempting. Especially when you’re faced with allll the other costs of running a business.

DIY photography looks like a cost-effective solution. But is it the right decision for your brand? 

In this guide, we'll explore the costs of DIY photography (including the use of A.I.) versus that of hiring a professional photographer so that you can make the most informed decision for your brand. 

Why Good Brand Photos Matter So Much To Your Bottom Line

Before diving into the world of DIY photography and professional photographers, let’s discuss the importance of brand photos to your business in the first place.

Here’s the thing. When potential customers visit your website or social media profiles, the first thing they see is your visual content. 

As a result, your brand photos serve two critical purposes: 

  1. They showcase your products and services.

  2. They build a like/know/trust factor with your target audience.

High-quality images – that are creative and visually appealing – can effectively do both of these things. They can also help set the mood, tell a story that connects with your audience emotionally, and build trust with potential customers. 

Perhaps most importantly, high-quality images show that you are serious about your business, and the show-stoppingly creative ones help you connect on a deeper level. 

Poor-quality or dull images, on the other hand, can lead to skepticism about the quality of your products or services and create a disconnect with your target audience. 

The Pros and Cons of DIYing Your Brand Photos 

Now that we all carry a camera in our back pockets and can easily access photo editing software via apps, it's more tempting than ever to take photos yourself.

The most significant advantage of DIY photography is cost savings. 

Because hiring a professional photographer is an investment, it can be expensive. For some new business owners, it may simply not be feasible to find the money to invest in professional brand photography. 

However, there are some downsides to DIY photography, including:

  • It’s a serious time investment. 

Getting good brand photos takes time and practice, and editing those photos can be even more time-consuming. That’s valuable time you don’t have when you're trying to run a business. 

For savvy business owners, the stress and time alone make DIYing SO not worth it. All that time spent on photography is time that could be better spent staying in your zone of genius – the one that MAKES you money, instead of costing you. 

  • A lack of professional equipment or space can cause your photos to fail to match your vision. 

Professional photographers have spent years investing in high-end cameras and lighting equipment. Additionally, photographers rent or even own their own studios – studios that are equipped with props specifically to use for brand photo shoots.

Without the right equipment or light-filled space, there’s always a chance that your photos may not turn out as you envisioned.  

  • People can tell (and they may be silently judging you). 

It’s true. People can tell DIY from professional photography, and they may write you off more quickly when your visuals don't look like you take your business seriously. 

Think of the DIY websites you’ve seen. Did you rule them out? Did it affect how well you like, know, or trust their business? Often people think, “If they're not investing in their business, why do I want to invest in THEM?”

So what about DIY – powered by A.I.?

Recently, artificial intelligence (AI)  has become a widely discussed topic in all creative fields – photography not excluded.  With the rise of AI-powered photo editing software and apps, it's now easier than ever to enhance your photos and make them appear high-quality.

As a photographer, I’ve begun using AI myself to help me with culling and editing images in a more timely fashion. For non-photographers AI editing apps can help you adjust lighting, color, and composition so that you get a better final DIY image. 

But while AI can be a useful tool, it's essential to remember that it's not a replacement for professional photography.

The term “virtual headshots” has recently been coined, as LinkedIn has become inundated with these AI-generated images. People are now able to use AI programs to create glossy headshots from their low-quality, pre-existing selfies, and the response has been…mixed. 

It’s exciting to see how AI can create glamor shots of ourselves, so exciting that some people have even considered the prospect of using them in place of professional shoots. 

I’d urge you not to fall for the wily ways of AI photography unless you fall into one of these four categories:

1. You don’t mind being relegated to a single image. 

While it is possible to create a single visually-pleasing image with AI, AI still can’t create a consistent body of work. When a professional photographer plans your shoot, they take into account the whole scene and story you have to tell, so that you receive a cohesive gallery of images. 

2. You think extra fingers are charming. 

This is something that AI programmers are continuing to work on. Right now, though, even the best AI programs seem a little befuddled with how humans are supposed to look. First glance? Everything looks…okay.

But the longer you look, the more you pick up on subtle oddities. The dead eyes. The strangely-shaped ears. An odd number of fingers. If you want to look human, your best bet is to be human. Get in front of an actual camera and be the kick-ass human you are. 

3. You’ve been looking for a way to ditch your personality. 

AI can’t draw out a subject’s personality, because – to it – you have no personality. And personality-less images displayed for your audience are going to land with a mighty and silent thud.  

The thing about AI is that it cannot and never will be able to manufacture human authenticity and connection – the top two factors that get today’s consumers to make a purchase. If you're wanting to show up in an unapologetic way and in all your quirky, human-ly glory, you have to do just that: show up. 

4. You think creativity is overrated

AI art is inherently unoriginal. It can only copy images in styles that already exist so it will never truly be “creative.” 

Only human photographers can ideate and create images that stop the scrolling. 

The Pros and Cons of Hiring A Professional Brand Photographer

While it’s clear that professional photography can take your brand to the next level, for many people, there is a downside: the upfront cost. 

Professional photography can be expensive, especially if you need a large number of photos. But while it is an investment, the benefits can be significant – thus, getting you a substantial return on that investment (ROI).

But I don’t have to tell you. I’ll let brand designer Emily Agan’s results tell you all about it: 

“My photos were part of my marketing strategy to help increase my organic website traffic. My shoot was on October 3, 2021. Here’s what my site traffic has done since my shoot.”

Or web designer Shannon Casey, who got her highest rate yet, after getting just her sneak peek of images. You can watch Shannon’s story below:

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Why did these clients see such a great return on their investment?

Well, for a couple of reasons:

1. The quality of the photos

Professional photographers have the skills, equipment, and experience to take high-quality photos that meet the standards of branding photography. This means that the photos will showcase your brand in the best possible light and help build trust with potential customers. With a consistent and professional brand image, your perceived value will automatically elevate with your target audience.

2. The strategy behind the shoot

Brand photography that is tailored to your specific brand can help you achieve your business goals. An experienced brand photographer will take time to discuss your brand identity, target audience, and marketing strategy so they can create a custom photo shoot specifically for your needs. 

3. The time savings you earn

Professional photographers will take care of everything from setting up the shoot to editing the photos. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. It’s so much more advantageous to focus on making money with the time you save from not having to do it yourself – while the professionals do their job to make you more money. We call that a win-win. 

The Bottom Line – Your Photos Affect Your Bottom Line

In the end, the decision to DIY or hire a professional photographer depends on your business's specific needs and budget. 

While DIY photography can save you money upfront, it’s likely to cost you in the long run. Because with the overall look and polish that comes from working with a professional, your brand can reach a brand new level. 

High-quality brand photography is an investment in your business's success so if you're in the Austin area and looking to invest, we're here to help. 

We specialize in creating custom, story-driven photoshoots that elevate unapologetic brands to the next level in business.


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